Your kidneys & liver are where the magic happens. Pee is made up of water and dissolved waste material from what you have been drinking and eating. It also includes material the body wants to eliminate, like dead blood cells and other things.
Urochrome is a yellow pigment that comes from the processing of dead blood cells in the liver. The liver protects your body from harmful substances by screening out the stuff in your blood that flows directly from your stomach and intestines.

Are You Peeing Bling?

here wasn’t “Gold in them thar hills!
But, one German merchant
Henning Brand
hoping for gold
commonly used in safety matches and pyrotechnics.
Several hundred years ago urine was used in some gunpowder manufacture due to the useful phosphorus content.
why bird poop is white.
one cause of green pee is asparagus (see above). clear pee means you're drinking lots and lots of water (good).