Ben and Mena Trott founded Six Apart nine monthsafter making Movable Type available. Matt Mullenweg founded Automattic just under twoyears after first making WordPress available.
waswritten from scratch.
Six Apart's new policies
freemium pricing model
the source for WordPress.comis not available
a loophole in the GPL
If it is exploitation, then other firms -such as Google - are far larger exploiters than Automattic.
# 8
I do have to quibble with the assertion that "They became more concerned with making money than a great product." of course.
making all of our products more free and more open
We provide more free blogs and more free blogging software than any other independent blogging company in the world
OpenID, which was first invented at Six Apart
We do try to make money, as does every company.
Posted by: Anil
# 13

You can see a selection of other publishers using WordPress here.

Posted by: Matt